Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How the 2008 Election Will Be Stolen in Florida

The good old boy network has found a way to steal the election here in Florida. I live in Tampa Florida, and I have seen how this year's election will be manipulated and or stolen.

My state allows early voting, and voters in this state are taking advantage of it. I already voted, but when I went to vote it took nearly 45 minutes. In other polling stations around Tampa voters are waiting three to four hours. Some dismayed voters at these polling stations give up and go home, or they vote with an absentee ballot (absentee ballots won't be counted until after the election, and they can be tossed out and not even counted as Robert Kennedy Jr. displayed in the Rolling Stone article Block the Vote). I wonder if the lines are this long during early voting, how long will they be come election day? What is causing these long lines?

  • The long lines could be due to the printing of election ballots, which takes one minute to print one ballot. (For some reason all the printers are from the 1980s)
  • The long lines could be due to the lack of election officials, only three people were working when I went to vote.
  • The long lines could be due the swiping of drivers licenses, and the subsequential residence inquiry that the election official put each voter through.
  • The long lines could be to inadequate polling machines.

Sadly, I believe that all these different tangents are part of a vast scheme set up by the GOP to steal yet another election. I urge all my fellow citizens who witness these kind of events at their own polling station to blog about it, or tell as many people as you can about it. If you can try to vote early, and do not let the lines detour you from honoring your constitutional right to vote. Vote in person, absentee ballots simply will not do, they can be thrown out by partisan election officials. Vote America, and make sure it counts.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Reverse Bradley Effect

In this time, when the Economy of the United States is at its worst, when the US faces two wars that are wasting money and lives, when the US has lost its favor in the eyes of the world............ Even the most conservative of Republicans might vote Obama.

I believe that after 8 years of Republican policy, that has failed them, most conservatives might vote Democrat. Republicans might say to their friends and even to their spouses that they are voting for McCain, but come voting day, when they get their ballot, instead of thinking about Obama's skin color, they will think about their own personal income. Will they vote for McCain, who has no real plan to right the economy, or will they vote Obama, who literally has a plan to fix the economy that you can read on his website. I believe the American electorate will be voting with their wallets during this election. I also believe the vote will be the final referendum of the American people's opinon on the Bush administration as a whole.

I believe that many of your friends want to appear loyal to the Republican brand, or they might just be flat out racist when saying why they are voting for John McCaon, but come election day, do not be surprised if you see an overwhelming landslide victory for Sen. Obama. If the election is not stolen, again.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

DEBATE 3! Joe the Plumber.

I think John McCain is about to lose his mind. He still does not have the courage to admit or face up to his campaign's attacks on Barack Obama, OK well he has said we have to look into Sen. Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers, but Obama hits back with the truth and explains fully what if any relationship he had with the former hippie radical.

I really am starting to pity Mr. McCain, he should have never been thrust into this position. His facial expressions sometimes seem to tell me that he doesn't believe anything coming out of his own mouth. I think the old McCain, as every talking head calls it, is trying his best to salvage the dignity that he once had. He is though, not in a good position tonight.

Poor John is just outmatched and outwitted. Mr. McCain is babbling and saying its not a fact three times before he says the fact he wants you to not believe?

He circles his pre-rehearsed lines over and over again. He answers no questions, instead repeating the same old "Obama wants to raise your taxes," and the really ostentatious line " I know how to fix this my friends." It seems he thinks he knows everything, and also that you won't know his secret plans to fix everything until he is elected. Sounds to me like McCain has run out of cards to play, and Obama has intellectually wiped the table clean with McCain.

The polls are going more and more for Obama. I just hope The Bradley Affect won't creep into the election booth.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Debate Part Two. Bring in the Pain (McCain)

I never thought I would see the day when John McCain would go ape shit in front of a national audience. He is getting angered quickly in this deabte, for Obama is talking sense again, and McCain has only remembered three paragraphs of pre-programed Republican catch-phrases, and he is seeming to have a problem getting those lines out too.

He is on the attack, personal attacks, it seems to be the only thing he's got. I don't know how many times he's called Obama a liberal,(although if your drinking game consists of the word liberal, you are probably pretty trashed by now), also he has yet to answer a single damn question. He seems to relate every question to this Maverick environmental plan. McCain also referred to Obama as "THAT ONE," and basically talked down to him the whole debate, and McCain really needs to stop referring to everyone "MY FRIENDS."

McCain is pacing in wait to attack some more, and this debate is making me laugh. I think Obama has done a great job in actually answering the questions, sadly on the other hand, John McCain is being a total ass, and showing that he still knows little to nothing about most of the issues that face America.

And yes John McCain you do need a hair transplant.
"Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb,Bomb Iran."

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Cubs are losing in October, and Palin Lies at the Debate, who would have thought???

I will admit, I did not watch the entire debate tonight between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin. Why? Because after 10 minutes of Palintology, I could not restrain myself from cursing and wanting to throw out my own television set. This whack job Palin lied about everything tonight, and even contradicted her own statements on several occasions. She wouldn't admit that humans caused global warming, or that her state is actively pursuing a criminal investigation of her Administration. Still, the worst thing I believe that came out of the Moose Stompers mouth was this little gripe, in explaining why we are in the economic crisis that we are in she said, and I'm paraphrasing here, " American's lived outside there means, and did not listen to their parents about saving money." Really? I never lived outside my means you uptight redneck! My parents never lived outside there means, by trying to feed me and pay for my college tuition. Are American's living outside their means, racking up sky rocketing debt, buying things like, GAS and FOOD. That one line sent me into a rage, and I still have not fully come to accept that that 4-eyed joke of a Vice Presidential candidate would really blame this economic shit storm on the American people. You have got to be kidding me right? She never once mentioned how all this malarkey was brought on by Republicans! Well anyways, I'm to pissed off to type about her horse-crap any longer. Maybe I can calm down, watch my Tampa Bay Ray's advance in the playoffs, and hope Americans are as pissed off as I am at the bullshit, and I MEAN BULLSHIT, that came out of that self-proclaimed, reformers trap. Seriously, I lived outside my means, screw you Palin, Screw YOU!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why The Democrats MIGHT Lose in 2008

There is one problem in America that supersedes any other when talking about the 2008 Elections.

We are still a country filled with racists and bigots. Don't let the technology fool you. We are still torn by the lines that divided the nation before and after the Civil War. There is no common brotherhood among Blacks or Whites, and it is truly sad to say, that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of equality has not yet been fulfilled. The same open, out right hate that homosexual American's face everyday, whether it be murder, physical/mental harassment, or burning of their property, is what African American's faced less than 30 years ago, and sadly African American's are still treated as Second Class citizens( look at Hurricane Katrina). In America, White's only like African Americans who can either play a sport or make funny jokes(EDDIE MURPHY), basically entertainment roles. I have seen now, for the past four weeks, people defending John McCain's lackadaisical knowledge about anything, they tell me he's a maverick, and I began to think, really, or do you like him and defend him beacuse he is WHITE.

During the Republican Primaries, none of the candidates ever took a big lead, and no candidate was really anyone in the parties first choice. Here where the hopefuls, in case you forgot...
  • Mitt Romney-, former dip-shit from Massachusetts," I'm like a liberal, except, I'm not cause I'm a bat shit Mormon, who thinks Jesus was like a Native American."
  • Rudi Giuliani- 9/11
  • Ron Paul- I make sense and want to end the war, well your in the wrong party Ron, sorry.
  • John McCain- I got my ass kicked by Bush in 2000, but now I'm sucking his teet and ready for another go. "Heart Don't Fail Me Now!"
  • Mike Huckabee- "I literally believe everything the bible says." "Also I used to be a fat fuck!"
  • I know there were other canadates, but frankly dear, they weren't worth a shit, and I don't feel like typing up the same profile, the other canadates fit this platform: I'm White, I will kill anyone who has a different skin color, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. 9/11!

So, out of a feild of shit-birds, they pulled out old man McCain. He's a war hero, sure, but he is also one of the dumbest people on earth. Look at his grades in the Naval Academy and you'll know what I'm talking about. Also, this MAVERICK, crashed 5 airplanes, before getting shot down in his 6th over Hanoi. Anyways, back to the original thesis. The reason the Democrats will lose is simple, there are not enough progressive Americans to out number the other half, or as Bill Maher refers to them,"The Redneck Nation," these bottom feeding, bible believing fuckwads have held the country back for a very long time. These are the same people who work in Union's and would rally behind Hillary Clinton, but the White's in the Union's can't seem to rally now behind Barack Obama. It is obvious why the White Union workers won't rally behind Obama, he is Black. That is why White voters all over the US might say they are going to vote Obama, but as soon as they hit the voting both they'll be saying "N WORD," when they see his name on the ballot. It is true, lie if you want, but we all know, if Obama were WHITE, the Presidential race would already be over, and Obama the victor. Too bad, for America.

"Racism is as American as apple pie." My father told me this when I was five years old, and I believe it is true more and more, everyday.

Vote OBAMA 08, prove to the bigots we are "Progressing."