Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bailout a Bunch Failures?

As news today surfaces that congressional leaders are nearing an agreement over the 700 billion dollar bailout of wall street, I find myself asking a few nagging questions.
  1. If I had setup a business, and I miss managed it, would the Government bail me out for my own stupidity?
  2. Why does this bailout seem like it has been sold to the public like the Iraq war?
  3. Lastly, since Henry Paulson used to work for Goldman Sachs, and they need money from this bailout, why on earth would we be stupid enough to give this Frankenstein looking fuck, a blank check with no strings attached?
I know, for a fact, that if you or I started a company, did not follow the simple rules of business, and in turn, our business went bankrupt, the Government response would be: "You owe money on your debts, and your business is now closed." So why on earth are these wall street punks not getting kicked to the curb like you and I would be. If the bailout goes through, it seems like the morons on wall street that mismanaged and manipulated our economy, for their own prosperous gains, are going to be rewarded for being major fuck-ups on a national scale.
  • Now lets take a second to look at the psychological mind manipulation that the Bush Administration loves to play on the American general public. This economic bailout plan that is being sold to the American people is nothing new, over the past eight years we've seen mental manipulation and mass conditioning of the American public through easy psychological stimuli. Like the fear of losing your job or the fear of being attacked in your own hometown. These basic fears helped the Government overstep our Constitution and laws without much agitation from the general population. The Government was also benefited by the major media broadcasters airing non-stop propaganda for the past eight years, this helped to confuse the general public about the reality that was going on around them. With a final blow coming in organized religion, which cemented the notion that the Government is not only right in everything it does, but also blessed by God, the tangibles were in place to easily manipulate and sway the American masses.

With all this being said, it will be likely that the common Joe-six pack will have no idea what this bailout plan really means, or what it will actually do once it is passed and implemented. The common American that watches any of the major news networks will be deluded with buzz words to the point where they won't get much information about what has happened in Washington at all. The sobering truth to what has happened this weekend, and a story no one on the major news networks seem to want to mention, is that, China has stopped lending money to the Untied States, so even if this bailout goes through, it will be interesting to see where the US goes to come up with 700 billion dollars. Because China has revoked America's credit card. That is the real story.

So the bailout will pass, and wall street will get a second chance to really go for broke(literally), and the American people will be lied to, and manipulated by their own Government, with help from the McCain Campaign and spinsters in the media.

A check is being written, and America begins it's recession. I wonder how long before it turns into a Depression??


Erika917 said...

I am not so sure that "the check has been written" just yet. Many people are aware that this bailout plan (as of now) is not a good idea. That is why it has not been passed.However, I do agree that this should not be passed (why should the tax payers have to pay for banks lending money to people who couldnt afford to pay their loans back?) I do think that something needs to be done. I just feel that it should not be decided in one week (Yes, that means that Baby Bush needs to stop pounding his little fists to pass this bailout plan). I cant but help to feel that there is a secondary motive for Bush wanting to pass this plan so urgently- plus, not to be rude, but anything that Bush is strongly for, is most likely a horrible idea :Z

Totally Independent Records Co Op said...

The Bill just passed today in the House, looks like the American people will be getting screwed again.