Wednesday, October 15, 2008

DEBATE 3! Joe the Plumber.

I think John McCain is about to lose his mind. He still does not have the courage to admit or face up to his campaign's attacks on Barack Obama, OK well he has said we have to look into Sen. Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers, but Obama hits back with the truth and explains fully what if any relationship he had with the former hippie radical.

I really am starting to pity Mr. McCain, he should have never been thrust into this position. His facial expressions sometimes seem to tell me that he doesn't believe anything coming out of his own mouth. I think the old McCain, as every talking head calls it, is trying his best to salvage the dignity that he once had. He is though, not in a good position tonight.

Poor John is just outmatched and outwitted. Mr. McCain is babbling and saying its not a fact three times before he says the fact he wants you to not believe?

He circles his pre-rehearsed lines over and over again. He answers no questions, instead repeating the same old "Obama wants to raise your taxes," and the really ostentatious line " I know how to fix this my friends." It seems he thinks he knows everything, and also that you won't know his secret plans to fix everything until he is elected. Sounds to me like McCain has run out of cards to play, and Obama has intellectually wiped the table clean with McCain.

The polls are going more and more for Obama. I just hope The Bradley Affect won't creep into the election booth.

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